Chief editors
Sarah Gensburger, CNRS – ISP / Université Paris Ouest
A researcher in social sciences, Sarah Gensburger is a specialist of memory public policies and the social appropriations of institutional references to the past. She has published among other things, Les Justes de France. Politiques publiques de la mémoire, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2010 and Witnessing the Robbing of the Jews, Indiana University Press, 2015. She has also had experience as a museum curator and regularly participates in French and overseas media, see “The Banality of Robbing the Jews”, New York Times, 15 November 2013 and “L’historien dans la mêlée”, La vie des idées.
Sandrine Lefranc, CNRS – ISP / Université Paris Ouest
A researcher in social sciences of the political (CNRS bronze medal winner), Sandrine Lefranc’s research focuses on understanding the composition of policies implemented in the wake of violent conflict (transitional justice, restorative justice towards victims, pacification “from the ground up”). She explores this in the places that these policies are implemented, in the countries that export them, and over the course of their international circulation. She has notably published, (with L.Mathieu, ed.), Mobilisations de victimes, Rennes, PUR, 2009 ; “Un tribunal des larmes. La Commission sud-africaine de vérité et reconciliation”, La Vie des idées, October 2013 (available at:; and Politiques du pardon, Paris, PUF, 2002.
Deputy chief editors, “React” section:
Marion Charpenel, Sciences Po, written media section
Micol Bez, Sciences Po / Georgetown University, images section
Magali Vautelin, ISP